Assessment in Higher Education

bell tower

Christina Wan
Assistant Director
Summer Session Initiatives

De Morris Walker
Summer Session Initiatives

Amara Anderson
Administrative Professional II
Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Casey Chaviano
Assistant Director for Assessment & Planning
Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

LLC Assessment Toolkit

city and river walk

Dr. Casey Chaviano
Assistant Director for Assessment & Planning
Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Kari White
Associate Director for Living Learning Communities
Center for Academic Enrichment/LLCs

Brenda "B" Woods
Director of Research and Assessment​
Student Life

The HP Assessment Process

instructor in conference room

Dr. Casey Chaviano
Assistant Director for Assessment & Planning
Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Dr. Roberta Berry
Honors Program

Are We Making a Difference?

instructor in conference room

Beatriz Rodriguez
Assistant Director of Academic Coaching & Success Programs
Center for Academic Success (CAS)

OUE Assessment Day

students attending conference

On June 11th OUE held its first “Assessment Day.” Units assembled teams of staff and students to establish their assessment plans for the coming 2018-2019 academic year, work on developing surveys or other instruments, or plan and develop new outcomes.

Additionally, we had a great team of on-campus consultants who volunteered their time to help each team Our consultants consisted of Sandi Bramblett (Institutional Research & Enterprise Data Management), Casey Chaviano (OVPUE), Nick Chaviano (Enterprise Data Management), Loraine Phillips (Academic Effectiveness), Carol Thurman (SLS), and B Woods (Student Life). Teams worked in collaboration with our consultants, who rotated teams each hour. Following these consultations, each team gave a brief presentation outlining their progress for the day and had time to receive feedback or questions from the other teams. By the end of the day, participants were able to develop new outcomes, write focus group questions, design new surveys, and discuss ideas for new and innovative measures. This event will help our units head into their 2018-2019 assessment plans prepared with new ideas for continuous improvement.